Why Working with a Consultant Will Save You Money

When you’re starting up a café or restaurant, there are a lot of moving parts. Many of them probably fall outside your area of expertise. Even if you are skilled at all the aspects of running a business, there just aren’t enough hours in the day to manage everything.

When you mismanage your business, you risk losing out on money. One mistake could have devastating costs. That’s why a lot of companies hire consultants.  

How Consultants Save Businesses Money

Here are some important ways that working with a consultant at any stage of your business will save you valuable time and money.

Experience Saves Time

Even seasoned business owners face a learning curve at certain points during the lifetime of a company. Consultants are experts in specific areas because they have a lot of experience working within specific industries. Their experience will help you avoid making critical business mistakes, which will translate to significant cost savings.

You Can Deliver Projects Quicker

There aren’t enough hours in the day to tackle everything on your to-do list. Working with a consultant can help you manage your task list so you can deliver projects quicker and get results to stakeholders faster.

Less Waste of Business Resources

When you’re faced with a challenge or are trying to accomplish a specific goal, you can easily devote all of your business resources to it. This can end up backfiring, especially if those resources don’t end up delivering a solution. 

Working with a consultant can reduce or eliminate the waste of business resources and free you up to focus on other aspects of your business that are more interesting to you or that better suit your experience and expertise. Plus, consultants usually have their own resources to turn to when they need additional support.

See Your Business Through Unbiased Eyes

As a business owner, it can be challenging to take an unbiased approach to a business challenge. Bringing in a consultant can offer a fresh, impartial perspective that allows you to move your business forward and face any blind spots that you have been unintentionally avoiding.

Get Focused Attention

It can be difficult, or even impossible, to focus on one task or project at a time when you’re running a business. Hiring a consultant for a specific project means you’ll get their extremely focused attention, giving you time to focus on other vital aspects of your business.

How Consultants Save Restaurant Owners Money

The above reasons why consultants save companies money are true across industries. Here are some specific ways that consultants save restaurant and café owners money.

Connect with Suppliers

When you’re first starting a business, you usually don’t have a lot of connections. It can be difficult to figure out who the best suppliers are for your business or to know if you’re getting a reasonable price. 

Consultants who have spent their careers building a network in a particular industry know suppliers and can help you find the best places to purchase all of your supplies, including building items.

Understand Kitchen Operations

Different types of dining establishments work best with different kinds of kitchen equipment. A restaurant consultant can help you understand which kitchen equipment you should invest in to be the most effective for your kitchen operations.

Create Cost-Effective Menus

Crafting the perfect menu is an essential part of running a dining establishment. Knowing how to create easy, tasty, and cost-efficient menus is a skill that is only gained through a lot of experience. Restaurant consultants can help you create a cost-effective menu that perfectly captures your restaurant’s theme.  

Create Workflow Systems

Often, restaurants end up overstaffing because they think they need more hands on deck. In reality, the issue is frequently with the workflow, not with the number of people on staff. A restaurant consultant can create workflow systems for the kitchen and the front-of-house to save on staffing costs and increase efficiency.

Scale Your Business Model

If you’re starting to think about franchising your restaurant, it can be beneficial to have a consultant step in to do a business analysis to determine the feasibility of scaling. A consultant can also help you find the best location for a new restaurant.

Bottom Line

In business, wasting time and resources trying to figure something out can end up costing you valuable time, and, as we all know, time is money. Working with a consultant now will save you on costs down the road and can allow you to grow and scale quickly. 

If you’re a new or seasoned restaurant owner who could use some help in any aspect of your business, contact us today.